Getting Back in Shape: Essential Exercises during the Pandemic
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Getting Back in Shape: Essential Exercises during the Pandemic
There’s no doubt in anyone’s mind that exercising will always be one of the best ways of keeping our body in tip-top shape. And getting back in shape should always be on your agenda, especially when life presents unexpected challenges. Not only is it an essential part of living a healthy lifestyle, but it’s also known for maintaining bodily functions.
Since last year, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused various changes to much of our daily lives. This is especially true when it comes to traveling, going out of our home, and exercising. Since most individuals are just staying inside their homes, more individuals are now living a sedentary lifestyle. In fact, medical professionals are currently seeing a rising trend of a sedentary lifestyle among younger individuals.
This has to lead to much of the public becoming overweight and generally unfit for many physical activities. If you’re someone that’s “gotten out of shape” during these trying times, then you might want to consider these exercises that can help get you back in shape.
Although it might seem like you want to jump towards the more exhausting types of workout routines, you might want to consider working towards that goal. Most experts in this area would agree that it’s better to start gaining momentum in that direction.
So what are some good ways of starting your exercise routine that can help you get back in shape? Here’s what you’ll need to know.
How often should you be exercising on a daily basis?
But before anything else, we’ll need to discuss one of the most important questions that we’ll need to ask regarding exercise: how much should you be getting daily? Well, most health-related organizations would say that you should at least get around 2 hours and 30 minutes of moderate exercise for at least a week. If you’re going to distribute this throughout the whole week, that’s around 30 minutes of exercise each day, excluding the weekends.
But for you to start losing weight, you’ll need first to ensure that you’re spending more energy each week. You don’t necessarily need to do exhausting and high-intensity workouts on your first week, but you’ll need to ramp up the number of calories that you’ll be burning each week. The general rule of thumb is to increase your energy spending by at least a thousand calories for each week, or around 150 calories each day.
Still, it’s important to keep in mind that how calories you’ll need to burn is influenced by many different factors, including your initial weight before you started working out, health factors, the nature of your workout, and the duration of each workout. While it may seem easy to calculate the duration and amount of calories that need to be burned, finding a middle ground for this can be a bit more tricky than usual.
In reality, the concept of a “moderate exercise” is quite subjective on the individual. Someone living a sedentary lifestyle might find certain types of exercise to be quite strenuous compared to someone who has already been working for years and is well-versed in the process.
If you’re planning on getting in shape, you’ll need to keep in mind that your weight will be an integral factor in your stamina and capacity. The good news here is that there are various strategies that you can consider when it comes to exercise. Here’s what you’ll need to know.
Start doing online classes
These days, something as simple as getting back in shape might present its challenges. Although many of us want to get back in shape with our usual exercise routine at the gym, travel to different areas, or work out around the neighborhood, most of these activities are not possible due to the pandemic. That said, many types of exercise routines have to be limited inside at home.
Since many exercise routines are limited inside homes, jogging and brisk walking (unless you have a treadmill) outside is out of the picture. Luckily, many individuals can still do various exercises while they’re just at home, such as weightlifting, stretches, yoga, and core exercises.
But just because you’re staying at home doesn’t mean that you’re alone in your situation. Many personal trainers and lifestyle coaches are well aware of the problems that the pandemic has caused in the past year and are actively reaching out to different individuals through online classes that can help people stay in shape. If you’re looking for expert help that can get you in shape in a timely manner, there are online Kettlebell coaching courses that can give you the necessary lessons for your exercise routine. Not only will this help you achieve a more active lifestyle, but this can also give the best results when you’re just exercising at home.
Making changes to your routine
Burning calories isn’t limited to only exercising. There are a variety of ways of burning calories and maintaining an active lifestyle outside of just exercising. There are certain routines that people will usually skip throughout their day to have a more comfortable lifestyle. This will include routines such as:
- Using the stairs rather than using the elevator
- Parking a distance away from your usual spot so you can at least walk
- Walking your dog and pets now and then
When it comes to exercising and expecting results, your goal will matter and significantly influence your attitude and mindset. Many individuals want to take the easier route in losing weight as fast as possible, but the journey towards self-discipline through exercise is the best way of being a better version of yourself at the end of the day.
Still, it’s important to keep in mind that a personal trainer and physician should supervise any strenuous exercise done by overweight individuals. Remember: safety should be your priority. And also, you don’t have to go ‘all out’ in the beginning once you decide to start getting back in shape, they key is to ‘just start’!
Images courtesy of Pixabay, UnSplash, and Pexels.
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Photo by ThisIsEngineering from Pexels