
You are what you eat, how you feel, what you become. Be mindful of your health.

  • Health

    Getting Back in Shape: Essential Exercises during the Pandemic

    Getting Back in Shape: Essential Exercises during the Pandemic There’s no doubt in anyone’s mind that exercising will always be one of the best ways of keeping our body in tip-top shape. And getting back in shape should always be on your agenda, especially when life presents unexpected challenges. Not only is it an essential part of living a healthy lifestyle, but it’s also known for maintaining bodily functions. Since last year, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused various changes to much of our daily lives. This is especially true when it comes to traveling, going out of our home, and exercising. Since most individuals are just staying inside their homes,…

  • Health

    How the Daily Practice of Meditation Can Improve Your Appearance

    How the Daily Practice of Meditation Can Improve Your Appearance Do you have a daily practice of meditation? Ever given it some thought? Most individuals would think that meditation benefits the mind and consciousness. However, regularly practicing meditation can also produce physical benefits. For thousands of years, meditation has been practiced in different ways and schools of thought. Though it emerged from religious practices, meditation has grown and expanded into becoming a practice for independent spiritual beliefs and even as a form of psychotherapeutic technique. Meditation has evolved into different forms and ways of meditating over the years. However, the impact of meditation on both physiological and psychological aspects still…

  • Discussion,  Health

    Filipino Skincare Claims: For Real or Not?

    Filipino Skincare Claims: For Real or Not? Ok, so now, the latest topic – Filipino skincare claims: are they real or just a figment of someone’s imagination? Check magazines, blogs, social media, and other sources of information. Filipinos will surely come across a variety of skincare-related claims. But which one is true? Here are the four most common Filipino skincare stories out there. Learn the verdict for each: 1. Filipino Skin Is Dark, so One Doesn’t Need Protection Verdict: False Compared to Caucasians, most Asians, especially Filipinos, have darker skin thanks to the increased melanin. This is the black or dark-brown pigment present in the skin and other parts of…

  • Health

    CBD: A Pain Reliever Trend You Can Try

    CBD: A Pain Reliever Trend You Can Try Let’s talk about pain reliever options for a bit. For many of us, tooth pain is downright the most unbearable pain we could experience. A trip to the dentist helps, of course. It is, after all, our best bet in alleviating tooth pain. But, sometimes, we’re experiencing tooth pain because of our last trip to the dentist. Some of us have sensitive teeth; it’s only natural. But this is why some people fear the dentist. To overcome our fears of tooth pain after visiting the dentist, it’s good to know that we have a wide array of options to alleviate our pain.…

  • Health

    Food To Improve Your Brain Power With Yummy Appeal!

    Food To Improve Your Brain Power With Yummy Appeal Your brain is probably one of the most overused organs of your body. Over time, your mind can become overworked. The decline in brain performance cannot be avoided, with age and time. Although there is no cure for the reduction of your cognitive abilities, food and vitamins can support the health of your brain. Your diet affects your brain function, so it is essential to be mindful of what you take into your body. Here are some power foods that you can much on to boost your memory and brainpower: 1. Oily or Fatty Fish Fish is a rich source of…

  • Health

    Back Pain Home Remedies According To Intensity

    Back Pain Home Remedies According To Intensity I am sure that everyone has used some kind of home remedies in their lifetime – and for sure have some tips. While staying home during this pandemic could keep you from contracting the novel #coronavirus, the very act of limiting your movement could have detrimental effects on your health. By spending most of your time either lying in bed or lounging on the sofa, you run the risk of acquiring muscle and joint aches, among other types of pains. If you’re among the many who are looking for back pain relief right now, don’t fret. There are several home remedies you can…

  • Health

    [List]How To Take Care Of Your Hair During Dry Climate

    How To Take Care Of Your Hair During Dry Climate Knowing how to take care of your hair during any climate is definitely a plus. Dry, humid days are not only taking a toll on your skin’s health, but it also affects one’s hair. When the climate is too dry, there’s a tendency for the tresses to lose its hydration and turn brittle and damaged. That’s why during summer, women are prone to bad hair days. But there are active haircare methods we can do in order to retain our tresses’s natural softness and shine. Generally, we should be taking care of our locks every day, but dry climates are…

  • Health

    Fast and Easy Tricks for Your Skin to Look Amazing in Three Days

    Fast and Easy Tricks for Your Skin to Look Amazing in Three Days Interested in some fast and easy tricks to make your skin glow in a few days? Read on. No matter how great you look in your dress and shoes, if you don’t have beautiful and glowing skin, you’ll feel less confident and incomplete. There’s nothing like clear skin to make you feel beautiful and gorgeous. No amount of makeup can cover up dry or oily skin. But you have only less than a week to prepare for the event (maybe it’s your wedding or some big family or corporate event). What can you do about it? One…


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