Filipino Skincare Claims: For Real or Not?
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Filipino Skincare Claims: For Real or Not?
Ok, so now, the latest topic – Filipino skincare claims: are they real or just a figment of someone’s imagination? Check magazines, blogs, social media, and other sources of information. Filipinos will surely come across a variety of skincare-related claims. But which one is true?
Here are the four most common Filipino skincare stories out there. Learn the verdict for each:
1. Filipino Skin Is Dark, so One Doesn’t Need Protection
Verdict: False
Compared to Caucasians, most Asians, especially Filipinos, have darker skin thanks to the increased melanin. This is the black or dark-brown pigment present in the skin and other parts of the body, such as the eyes.
Many studies already show the correlation between melanin and the risk of skin cancer. For one, the incidence of the disease seems to be lower among those with darker skin.
Filipinos are the eighth least likely to develop the condition, according to the 2018 Skin Cancer Index. This is because the pigment can already act as a natural shield against the sun’s damaging rays.
However, it doesn’t mean that Filipinos no longer need any protection, such as sunblock. Regular exposure to sunlight can eventually damage the DNA, causing mutations that raise the odds of developing skin cancer.
2. Sunscreen Is the Same as Sunblock
Verdict: False
“Sunscreen” and “sunblock” sound so much alike people use them interchangeably. But they don’t work the same way.
Sunscreens are products that absorb UVA and UVB rays, the most harmful types before they can reach the deeper layers of the skin and damage the cells. Meanwhile, sunblock completely prevents these rays from penetrating the skin by reflecting them.
When it comes to texture, sunblock is also thicker than sunscreen. The active ingredients are also different. Products that work as a sunblock usually contain titanium or zinc oxide, which is less likely to cause allergic reactions.
Either of the products can help prevent sunburns or reduce the risk of skin cancer. However, your choice also matters. Pick a sunblock or sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30,like the Diamond Sunblock Gel from Harmony and Wellness Products PH.
3. Melanin Makes Asians Like Filipinos Appear Younger
Verdict: True
Whether it’s a curse or a blessing, most Asians such as Filipinos seem to appear younger than their age compared to Western populations. Melanin could be one of the reasons, according to experts – and not just for Filipino skincare claims.
The sun’s rays can affect the skin in many ways. They can cause premature aging, such as the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Melanin, however, can help reduce these effects. Asians showing signs of premature aging seem to develop only spots instead of wrinkles.
But it is not the only possible cause. The structure or the shape of the face may also explain why Filipinos appear younger than, say, most Americans. They accumulate fat on the eyelids and the lips, which can lessen the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles in these areas.
Incidentally, Filipinos have been ranked as some of the happiest people in the world. Some types of research believe that being in a more positive mood or mindset contributes to a healthier well-being.
4. Filipino Men Are Spending a Lot of Money on Grooming
Verdict: True
Culture dictates that, in general, men don’t put a lot of importance on their physical grooming or appearance. That is changing over the years.
In the 2016 report by Kantar, the sales for men-oriented personal care products grew by over 20% within a year. The rate of growth was threefold compared to the data in 2015. These purchases also account for at least 8% of the total revenues of personal care products in the Philippines.
What do men usually buy? The hottest products in this category are deodorant and facial care products. Fragrances and antiperspirants make up about 28% of the total sales in the country. The demand for facial care products rose by 18%.
These items’ popularity seems to correlate to the most common concerns among Filipino men, which are acne and body odor like bad breath.
The breaking of stereotypes when it comes to male grooming happens for many reasons. One, they may already be influenced by personal grooming and care of their counterparts in developed countries such as the United States or South Korea.
Second, the disposable income in the Philippines has increased. In particular, men now have enough money to spare to buy high-quality personal care products specifically made for them.
Third, their perception of personal care also changed. Today, more men believe that looking and feeling good helps improve their self-confidence and boosts self-love.
Taking care of Filipino skin isn’t limited to applying the right products. It also involves correcting wrong skincare claims to ensure everyone doesn’t maintain a mindset or belief that’s harmful in the long run. In the long term, these presumed myths or truths about Filipino skincare claims can be aligned with any skin, if you give it some thought!
Images courtesy of Pixabay, UnSplash, and Pexels.
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