CBD: A Pain Reliever Trend You Can Try
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CBD: A Pain Reliever Trend You Can Try
Let’s talk about pain reliever options for a bit. For many of us, tooth pain is downright the most unbearable pain we could experience. A trip to the dentist helps, of course. It is, after all, our best bet in alleviating tooth pain. But, sometimes, we’re experiencing tooth pain because of our last trip to the dentist. Some of us have sensitive teeth; it’s only natural. But this is why some people fear the dentist.
To overcome our fears of tooth pain after visiting the dentist, it’s good to know that we have a wide array of options to alleviate our pain. One of them is a natural pain reliever called cannabidiol or CBD. Who knows, maybe it’ll help us overcome our fear of the dentist and finally get that teeth whitening procedure that we’ve been needing.
What Is CBD?
CBD is one of the essential components of cannabis or medical marijuana. In particular, it’s in indica, a subspecies that is often used for medical purposes. So how does it work, exactly?
When used as a medicine, CBD indirectly stimulates cannabinoids, producing anti-inflammatory, anti-anxiety, antipsychotic, antispasmodic, and pain relief effects. It has direct effects on the endocannabinoid system in our bodies. This system is composed of neurochemicals found in the nervous system. It regulates many of our physical systems, and are connected to immune response, reproduction, sleep, and digestion.
Is CBD Legal?
Yes, using CBD and other forms is legal in various states across the United States. What’s important to remember is that if it’s derived from hemp, then it’s legal in most states. You might even find it surprising that some government agencies in the country have been approving and funding CBD-related studies since 2014. These studies work on using and improving the use of CBD products for healthcare.
But some studies on CBD also occur outside of the country. In France, for example, researchers studied the use of cannabis to treat restless leg syndrome(RLS), a type of chronic pain. They conducted clinical trials on six RLS patients and found five patients reported complete remission of RLS. They have been enjoying total relief of RLS and improved sleep quality.
Such studies prove the capabilities of CBD. They show that CBD can be a strong muscle relaxant and has nerve-calming effects. Apart from RLS, CBD is also widely used as a medicine to prevent certain ailments. Examples are diabetes, obesity, cancer, migraine, and chronic pain.
But, it’s important to note that CBD, unlike pure cannabis, doesn’t have any effects on our minds. It’s also important to note that CBD is like any other medicine – it has some side effects. It can cause feelings of nausea and fatigue. You may even experience a sense of irritability because of it. But if you’re still up for it, here’s how you can use CBD to treat pain.
How To Use CBD
There are many ways to use CBD and also various waiting times to take effect. The most popular is CBD oil, which you can take orally. You’ll need a tincture or a medicine dropper. You may add a few drops of it directly into your mouth. But you can also drop the oil under your tongue. If you’re not comfortable with that, you can also choose to mix it with your food and drinks.
CBD may also be in the form of lozenges or gummies, which you can take orally. Just think of them as candy.
Another way to use CBD to treat pain is through inhalation. You can choose to smoke it through vaping. You’ll have to look for cannabis plants that have high contents of CBD. But this method has immediate effects. And you’ll also have to deal with the odor that may linger in your hair or clothes.
Dosage Of CBD Oil
Since CBD oil is the most popular and accessible way of taking CBD, you’ll need to be careful with the dosage. The amount needed is determined by body weight, desired effects, and tolerance.
CBD oil usually comes in 15ml and 30ml bottles, containing concentration ranging from 100mg to 5,000mg. Those with severe pain are recommended to take a higher dosage.
A typical serving is 1ml, and a serving ranges from 3.3mg to 166.7mg- all depending on the concentration.
It’s never easy to deal with pain. Unfortunately, that’s an everyday struggle for most, if not all, of us. Some of us have chronic pain, such as migraines, arthritis, and any pain caused by an injury.
You might be wary of using this medical alternative to treat pain. But it’s a safe pain reliever medicine that’s backed by healthcare professionals.
Images courtesy of Pixabay, UnSplash, and Pexels.
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Photo by ThisIsEngineering from Pexel