
[List] 7 Books To Give Yourself A Self-Confidence Booster!

[List] 7 Books To Give Yourself A Self-Confidence Booster!

self-confidence booster woman hugging herself against blue wall

Everyone needs a self-confidence booster – at any age! If you’re saying to yourself that you don’t have enough confidence in yourself, know that this isn’t true. Confidence is a feeling and a state of mind that you can create at will. By having a good grasp of this concept, you can switch on your confidence whenever you want and find more of the life success you seek.

An effective way to ingrain this important fact into your mind is by reading books on the area of confidence and applying what you’ve learned in your life.

Here are seven self-empowerment books that will help improve your confidence and self-esteem:

You Are a Badass

This book by Jen Sincero will help you become true to yourself and show the world who you really are as a person. According to the book, self-esteem isn’t just about believing in yourself. It’s also about standing up for yourself and present the real and best version of you to others.

You need to read this book if you’re the type of person who says “I’m sorry” or “I apologize” way more than what is necessary. You’ll learn to make the conscious decision to change your overly apologetic attitude into this statement: “This is who and how I am, and I’m won’t apologize for it.” A fantastic way to look at a self-confidence booster tip that WILL work once implemented as well.

How to Talk to Anyone

Many individuals feel confident in almost anything they do. Some, however, get anxious and clam up (or worse, shut down) when they need to talk to people. This makes them appear less self-assured about themselves.

If you’ve ever experienced difficulty communicating with people confidently, this book by Leil Lowndes will help you overcome those feelings of uncertainty. One of the most crucial skills you should pick up is speaking in front of people with confidence. This skill will help propel you to the career you want to achieve. You could also recommend this book to individuals who may be lacking confidence in the “people department” area of their lives.

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind

The subconscious acts like a sponge that absorbs all the information in the surrounding environment. It then sorts the details it should keep based on your filters, which may include personality traits, perspective in life, beliefs, and values.

When you pick up this book by Joseph Murphy, you will learn how to:

  • Change how you see yourself
  • Harness the power of the subconscious mind
  • Rediscover your value, potential, and yourself by discovering why you behave and think the way you do — and make the adjustments to improve your life

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Unleash The Warrior Within

Richard Machowicz, a former Navy SEAL, offers confidence-boosting strategies he learned from the military in this book. He will teach you to break down your fears into manageable sizes and make them easy to handle. What’s more, he’ll talk about the importance of mindset.

The Power of Positive Thinking

You may be wondering if thinking positively has anything to do with improving your self-confidence. This book by Norman Vincent Peale has chapters that aid readers in leading a confident and positive life. After you read this material, you’ll discover how to instill the faith you need to conquer your fears, as well as your self-esteem challenges.


Don’t let this daunting and scientific-sounding title intimidate you into buying this book. The topics covered in this material are easy to understand and apply. You can use them to build your self-confidence.

Dr. Maxwell Maltz, the author of “Psycho-Cybernetics,” discusses the power of self-image in helping you achieve the results you want. He uses his years of observation and experience to tackle self-esteem, the power of perception, and the role of self-image in helping you reach your goals. You may want to get this book if you want to learn about confidence based on science.

Think and Grow Rich

This is a confidence and success book rolled into one material. Author Napoleon Hill believes that a solid foundation formed on self-confidence is necessary to achieve success. When you read this book, you will find powerful formulas and insights to help boost the confidence needed to make you successful in life. If you want to boost your self-confidence (and grow your bank account along the way), “Think and Grow Rich” is for you.

Read one or more of these seven books, so you can understand what confidence is and how you can use it to better your life. After reading these materials, you’ll realize that you had that sense of power within you all along. You’ll also discover that you can use this sense of certainty to accomplish almost anything you want in life. And you will how see achievable it is when it comes to implementing any self-confidence booster at any stage of your life.

Images courtesy of Pixabay, UnSplash, and Pexels.

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