How Honing Your Public Speaking Skills Can Make You a Better Leader
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How Honing Your Public Speaking Skills Can Make You a Better Leader
Fortunately, public speaking skills can be improved and will make anyone a better speaker. Too often, people do not understand that great public speakers eventually become good leaders, and there is no good leader who is not great at speaking to people.
Leadership requires effective communication. You have to speak confidently to the public about a whole range of topics connected to your business and advocacy. You need to have that charm, power, and skills to make people listen. Some of the good public speakers of our time went on to become good leaders, too.
Think about your college days. Have you had a professor who’s also the author of the book you are currently studying? This particular professor is multi-awarded, and everyone in the academe is awed by him. Yet, students favor another professor over that one.
They like the one who has that strange power to capture their attention and hold it. No matter how genius you are, the truth is that public speaking does not come with good grades. It does not require a person to be a genius. Public speaking is a talent and skill that one hones over time and through practice.
Hindrances to Public Speaking
One of the main obstacles for public speaking that always goes unnoticed is the speaker’s health problems. Speech impediments and even temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders can make it hard for a person to speak. Or, at the very least, it might be hard for someone with TMJ disorders to speak coherently. The voice may be garbled at times. People with speech impediments undergo therapy, while aTMJ disorder treatmentis also available.
Bad hearing and poor eyesight may also go unnoticed. These can affect the way a person speaks. Aside from the speaker’s possible undiagnosed health problems, lack of confidence, attention, and time management are hindrances from being an effective speaker. So, do you have to deal with these to speak confidently in public? Yes, if you want to be a good leader.
Billionaire and philanthropist Richard Branson, considered a charismatic leader himself, said that communication skills are the single most important skill of any good leader. That’s why you have to work hard to hone these skills. Imagine leading a brand but not knowing how to communicate what you want to happen. Imagine having all these ideas in your head without a way to verbalize them. That’s why a leader needs to have the skills and the gift of communicating concisely.
The Good News About Public Speaking
Fortunately, public speaking isn’t something you are born with. It’s not something you pass on through your genes. In short, you can develop good public speaking skills. Every person can develop his skills in public speaking. There is no question about that. However, you have to be willing to work hard for this skill. To develop the necessary public speaking skills, you have to exercise and practice them. Think of it like riding a bicycle. The more frequent you do it, the more you are good at it.
Practice Makes Perfect
Stand in front of the mirror. Read a speech by anyone-a businessman, a politician, a celebrity at the Oscars, etc. Practice your tone, pitch, and intonation. People feel the same thing when they stand before a crowd. They feel their hands becoming sweaty and their hearts pumping blood fast. All of these are normal. What’s not normal is not addressing these problems. This is how anxiety looks like. The best way to combat anxiety is to prepare for what lies ahead.
Know Your Audience
When speaking, know who you are talking to. That does not only give you an idea about what they want to hear, but it also gives you some pointers on how you should go about your ad-libs. Is the crowd serious? Can you make jokes? More importantly, can your jokes make them laugh? The speech is about your audience and not you, so always keep that in your head when making a speech.
There are no good leaders who are not great orators. Martin Luther King Jr. and Barack Obama come to mind when you think about great orators. Adolf Hitler was a great public speaker, too. He knew he could not lead a country without being compelling. Winston Churchill, Nelson Mandela, and Abraham Lincoln are great orators of their time, too.
If you want to lead your company to success, you have to hone the skills necessary to take them there. Communicating your innermost thoughts always comes with a degree of vulnerability. But it is your presence, confidence, and power that will make your audience want to believe what you say
Images courtesy of Pixabay, UnSplash, and Pexels.
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