Remote Learning Tips and Tricks to Help Your Child Progress
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Remote Learning Tips and Tricks to Help Your Child Progress
With our ‘new normal’ emphasizing remote learning, these remote learning tips and tricks will come in handy. In an effort to put things back to normal, or as we like to call it now, new normal, schools have started back up again. Some schools have let their students attend physical classes again, though with strict safety measures in place, while plenty of others have opted to conduct online or remote learning instead.
While plenty of children are technologically savvy and can figure out how to attend their Zoom classes and answer their quizzes on online quiz platforms, remote learning can still take some getting used to. The good thing is, remote learning is somewhat similar to home school in a way that your child is studying at home. And like home school, your child might also need your support in order for distance learning to be successful.
Below, we have a few remote learning tips and tricks on how you can support your child while they adjust and learn through online classes.
1. Make Space For Conducive Learning
We recognize that not every home can provide an environment that’s conducive to learning. Maybe you don’t have enough space at home or you have younger kids who cannot regulate the noise they make. But this doesn’t mean it’s impossible. But if there’s an isolated or quiet corner in the house, or if your child has their own bedroom, you can help them create a nook dedicated to their school activities.
2. Set Expectations Between You And Your Child
Parents, guardians, or caregivers play a big role in the success of online learning. You’re the one who will watch over your child and make sure they do their school works on time. Because of this, you have to set expectations with them, like finishing their papers before dinner or not using devices during school hours. Similarly, you should set expectations of your own as well, such as times of availability where they can come to you for questions and support.
3. Monitor Their Progress
Depending on your situation, it might not be easy for you to keep your child in sight at all times.
Nevertheless, it’s important to keep apprised of how they’re progressing by asking them about their lessons and what they’re learning every day.
4. Seek Help When Needed
If you find that your child is having difficulties on a particular subject, especially one that’s beyond your own comprehension, don’t hesitate to ask for help. You can talk to their teachers and figure out a solution for your child to absorb things better. There are also plenty of online tutors you can tap if you’re willing to invest more resources in ensuring your child can catch up and learn properly.
5. Encourage And Give Praise
Online or distance learning is no doubt challenging for your child, one way or another. You can offer them a reprieve from feeling overworked by giving them detailed praise about their work. Even when they didn’t score perfectly on a test, congratulate them on studying hard and finishing another day of online learning. Your praise and encouragement can go a long way to boost their confidence and willingness to learn.
Even though it’s been months, a lot of people are still adjusting to the new normal and that includes your kids. Offer them as much support as possible and you can both get through this pandemic and different learning environment together. Use these remote learning tips and tricks and be sure to leave any suggestions for me in the comment section. Thanks.
Images courtesy of Pixabay, UnSplash, and Pexels.
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Photo by ThisIsEngineering from Pexel