Why People Still Ride The Airwaves: The Radio’s Relevance To Society
Why People Still Ride The Airwaves: The Radio’s Relevance To Society Are you one of those who ‘ride the airwaves‘ as most of us did in the early days? With the availability of the internet, some people no longer listen to the radio. If they want to listen to music, they can do so through online music streaming platforms. They can play whatever song they like. If they want to check the news, they can go on the internet and read online news sites or watch TV. Given the digitization of society, the radio is seemingly “fading away” from the spotlight. And this begs the question: is the radio even…
Adapting To Online Learning And The New Normal
Adapting To Online Learning And The New Normal So far, the pandemic hasn’t shown any signs of going down. That means we may have to deal with the new normal for another year. As such, you may have to accept that your child will be taking online classes this year. That means you need to make some additional adjustments, especially if you are working from home. To find what you can do to make the transition easier, here is what you need to do when it comes to exploring the new normal. Assist In A Digital Setup For parents working with younger children, it is important to help them in…
Being Patient Is A Gift: 8 Ways to Train Yourself to Be Patient
Being Patient Is A Gift: 8 Ways to Train Yourself to Be Patient I am sure you have heard the term – instant gratification – well, being patient is a gift as well as a virtue – this one I think you also know. Today’s technology has allowed many to get things without waiting for too long. People can order food online and expect it to arrive within minutes. If they wanted to watch a movie series, such as Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter, they won’t have to drive to a video rental shop. They can simply go online and watch from the comfort of their home. Although…
[List]Improve Your Quality of Life With These 7 Interesting Hobbies
[List]Improve Your Quality of Life With These 7 Interesting Hobbies Interesting hobbies help develop our passions and tastes in life. These daily activities could be anything, from watching movies to playing computer games. Some, however, assume that hobbies are leisure activities. Given this, they believe that having hobbies is a waste of time. What they don’t know, though, is that the right hobbies can change their lives for the better. Picking up a productive hobby can increase your levels of creativity, give you a sense of self-efficacy and keep your mind engaged, among other benefits. If you’re looking for something new to do that can boost your quality of life,…
Let Your Child Learn Entrepreneurship — Here’s Why
Let Your Child Learn Entrepreneurship — Here’s Why So, is ‘Let Your Child Learn Entrepreneurship‘ a catchy enough headline for your inquiring minds? Children learn various subjects in school, including math, science, and history. Although these subjects are important, students should also learn and develop important real-world skills that will be useful beyond the classroom walls. Enter entrepreneurship. This subject zeroes in on honing life skills that will help kids lead excellent lives in a rapidly changing world. Whether your child is an online middle school student or someone just starting in high school, they can benefit from learning the real-world skills present in entrepreneurship education. Here’s why letting your…
Filipino Skincare Claims: For Real or Not?
Filipino Skincare Claims: For Real or Not? Ok, so now, the latest topic – Filipino skincare claims: are they real or just a figment of someone’s imagination? Check magazines, blogs, social media, and other sources of information. Filipinos will surely come across a variety of skincare-related claims. But which one is true? Here are the four most common Filipino skincare stories out there. Learn the verdict for each: 1. Filipino Skin Is Dark, so One Doesn’t Need Protection Verdict: False Compared to Caucasians, most Asians, especially Filipinos, have darker skin thanks to the increased melanin. This is the black or dark-brown pigment present in the skin and other parts of…
[List]7 Effective Methods for Growing a Savings Account
[List]7 Effective Methods for Growing a Savings Account In these uncertain times, it’s comforting to know you have a nest egg to tap into in case the worse happens. In no uncertain terms, you need to have a plan when it comes to growing a savings account. Medical bills, sudden moving and lawsuits are all just common types of emergencies that can drain your resources. However, a lot of people are unprepared to cover these expenditures. According to research two-thirds of people in Singapore don’t have enough money in their savings account to last more than six months. Building an emergency savings account should be more of a concern to…
Time Management Improvement Tips While Working from Home
Time Management Improvement Tips While Working from Home Today, more than ever, we need to be cognizant of time management improvement tips especially when it comes to remote work arrangements. Work-from-home is becoming a standard. Over 140 million civilian workers have access to flexible workplace benefits, according to the latest data from the Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics. This means that a lot of Americans are free to work from home. And amid a worldwide pandemic, more people are working from home. Around 42 percent of the country’s workforce is doing full-time remote work. There are a variety of benefits to working from home. Employees enjoy a much more flexible…
How to Succeed In Life Even After Going Through Failures
How to Succeed In Life Even After Going Through Failures Ok, ‘how to succeed in life’ is not a ‘trick question’…actually the converse. Till the time you’re breathing your last, trouble shall continue to walk beside you. Even Warren Buffet faces troubles once in a while. It catches up to everyone in time. Everyone fails in their own ways. But only the ones who stopped failing more than once are the ones who have really lost. So, until you’re breathing, there’s still life. Failure is the most important subject in the school of life. You fail, and then you try to fail in a better way. Adding all the pieces…
Children Should Be Leaders: 3 Reasons To Develop Your Child’s Leadership Skills Now
Children Should Be Leaders: 3 Reasons To Develop Your Child’s Leadership Skills Now Possessing leadership skills at a young age will help your children in whatever they choose to do in their childhood, as well as in their adult life. Any child’s leadership skills should be encouraged – at any age! The characteristics they’ll develop due to your guidance can spare them from many hurtful experiences that could have otherwise been prevented. While leadership is by no means a method to ensure a stress and fault free future, it’s an excellent means to ensure that your children can handle any problem with the right mindset and attitude. This makes it…